Why "Eurovision Promise"?

Eurovision Security is a security systems supplier and innovative company. We are different from other companies in this market in that we set to respect customer’s rights as our first priority. We are committed to protecting customer privacy under applicable law, and to respecting due process.

We offer an alternative approach to that of our competitors by supporting and the community of people working on innovation in our fields of products, but also for the free and unrestricted sharing of information, and for promoting the respect of our customers weather they are individuals or corporation and their rights for unmatched systems and after sales services. The recommendation of satisfied customers is a far more reliable basis for doing business than marketing claims.

Eurovision security offers a world-class security systems and services and courteous, knowledgeable support.

The “Eurovision Promise” Promises:

- We are honest about what we do; we will be straightforward in how we deal with you.

- We will not exaggerate or over complicate our claims of value to our customers.

- We will give you what we promise to give you.

- If we’re ever hypocritical we will admit it, and clean up our act.

We will listen to you, and be honest in our replies, even if it means you won’t always like what we say.

We expect you to treat us the same way.

Not Just a Tag Line: A Company Culture:

These are our core values and we will fulfill these promises, both internally with our co-workers, and externally with you, our customers. Ultimately it will be for you to decide if we achieve this. We welcome your challenging us to live up to this promise. Please email us if you have questions, or you want to point out where we can do even better. Email us at: promise@eurovisionsecurity.com